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Running: Benefits of Daily Running | रोजाना दौड़ने के फायदे...!!!

Running: Benefits of Daily Running  We already know running is the best and easiest form of exercise ever. lots of people run on a daily basis, they’re may be running in the morning or at noon or may be running in the evening. But why? Why they are spending their precious time on running? Probably they know something really-good about running which you don’t. it’s Okay! No need to worry about that, I would explicitly explain the benefits of running and I will offer some tips and suggestions on how to start running so that you can grab your fitness goals. According to experts running early in the morning is great because it has several advantages like stress reduction, better sleep, lower blood pressure and what not. So, if you’re an early bird then you should start your day with the morning run, it’s going to energize you for the day ahead. This is only a glimpse from the plethora of benefits that running provides. Let’s dive into it: 1.  Running h...

How to Lose weight? Get Rid of Obesity and Overweight?

How to Lose weight? Get Rid of Obesity and Overweight? healthy lifestyle | Healthy food habits | physical activity As we know, in today’s generation many people are suffering from obesity and being overweight . Obesity and o verweight both can be defined as an unusual or excess amount of fat in our body, which is not good for a healthy lifestyle. According to WHO (World Health Organization), worldwide obesity has increased by three times within four decades. The reason behind that is the consumption of unhealthy food, ease of transport, adoption of office job culture, and virtual screens like television, perhaps watching it lying on the sofa or couch (lol). Other than that, there are many other factors which are responsible for fatness . Due to such habits, our body weight tends to increase, and if I say in other words the percentage of fat increases in our body especially in the abdominal section. Researchers found that these habits lead to weight gain more ...

हेल्दी डाइट क्यों जरुरी है ? Why Healthy Diet Is Important?

हेल्दी डाइट क्यों जरुरी है ? Why Healthy Diet Is Important? दोस्तों आज हम बात करेंगे की हेल्दी रहना क्यों जरुरी है और हमें हेल्दी रहने के लिए कौनसी डाइट लेनी चाहिए,  वैसे तो हमारे देश की जनसंख्या लगभग 1.38 बिलियन के आस पास हैं  पर इस आबादी के कुल 20 प्रतिशत लोग ही सही डाइट लेते हैं  और खुद को हेल्दी रखते हैं । देखा जाये तो हमारी आबादी का बहुत बड़ा हिस्सा सही डाइट नहीं लेता, इसके पीछे कई कारण हो सकते हैं जैसे कि हमारे देश की विविधता(Diversity), हम सब जानते हैं की हमारे देश मे अनेक तरह के लोग रहते हैं और इसी तरह हम लोगो की डाइट भी अलग-अलग हैं, जैसे की साउथ-इंडिया में लोग राइस(चावल) खाना पसंद करते हैं और वही सेंट्रल-इंडिया और नार्थ-इंडिया मे भी कई तरह की डाइट फॉलो की जाती हैं ।  देखा जाये तो पुरे देश में कही भी लोग प्रॉपर डाइट फॉलो नह करते, प्रॉपर डाइट से मेरा मतलब है ऐसी डाइट जिसे खाने से हमारे शरीर को सही मात्रा मे पोषक तत्ब(nutrients) मिल सकें और जहां तक हो सके हमें अपन...

Top 3 Best Exercises for The Perfect 6 pack ABS

Top 3 Best Exercises for The Perfect 6 pack ABS...!!! Although people are following a strict diet and regular workout in their life, still they are not achieving their goals and it is just because of their lack of knowledge. People generally have to go to the gym and work hard as much as they can, but after this much of hard work, people failed to cut their belly fat. So don't worry guys, today’s article is all about to solve your belly fat problem. In today’s article, we are gonna discuss three best exercises to reduce belly fat and How to get sharp 6 packs ABS? Friends, as you all know there are many exercises to gain six-pack abs, but here I'm sharing the best six-pack abs workouts. Before I disclose the workouts, let's share some facts about ABS. friends every person has six packs abs but it is covered by body fat. Generally, in the people of India, the body fat percentages are high, around 20% to 30%. And some people possess more than 30% body fat ...

What is Fitness ? Why it is necessary ?

  What is Fitness? Why it is necessary? Hello guys, Today we are gonna discuss fitness, why it is necessary, why we need to care about it and how can we make our-self fit in this hectic world. So, let's get started. Friends, in the fitness section we have to deal with two kinds of fitness and they are Mental fitness and physical fitness. As we know, for the proper lifestyle our mind and muscle should behave properly, but how can we do this; It's quite simple, friends we can do this with the help of few exercises and Healthy food. First, we'll talk about Physical fitness, it is literally the required thing for the best performance of our body and it can be obtained by doing some exercises, morning walk, daily running, etc. On the other hand, if we talk about mental fitness, there are also some mental exercises that keep our brain healthy and smart. For example, Solving puzzles, Chess, Computer mission games Etc. but remember one thing don'...